Website Development

When it comes to websites, we’ve been around the block a time or two—and we take pride in helping our clients negotiate the next corner. We ask the questions nobody else thinks of, focus on the strategy before the execution, and sweat the details that make a good result great.

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Custom CMS Web Applications

We build each system to be client and project specific, allowing those who manage content to have a better user experience. Drupal, WordPress, Strapi, and Contentful: We confidently develop intuitive systems for the ever-changing Web.

Headless CMS, and beyond

The advent of Content as a Service (CaaS) and the maturity of front-end development frameworks like ReactJS and AngularJS have created a rush to "de-coupled" and "headless" websites. Our dev team is leading the charge.

Responsive Design

Mobile devices are becoming more and more the Web browsers of choice, and this trend will only continue. Our expertise in Responsive Web Design provides you the flexibility to seamlessly deliver your website across handheld devices with a singular, dynamic solution.

Maintenance and Support

A modern website requires routine updates and patches to ensure it remains secure and operational. The best websites are constantly improved and extended, and Chronos provides support, security, and expert guidance to ensure your website fulfills your organization's needs.
